We now have an official Booster Club.
BOOSTERS- do the 60 second registration CLICK HERE NOW!
President...Mike Bumpas
Vice President...Sheila Guice
Secreatary ...Tasha Guinyard
Treasurer...Edward McGuire
Chair Persons are:
Communications Chair ...
Volunteers Chair ... Bridgette Bumpas
Program Chair... Stacy Harwood
Hospitality Chair ... Erica Elder
Spring Trip Chair ... Nancy Stansbury
Executive Board Members:
President: The President of
the Music Boosters shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the
general membership, compile an agenda for all meetings, act on behalf of the
Music Boosters in urgent matters arising between Executive Board meetings, fill
vacancies on the Board with the approval of the Executive Board members between
elections, appoint committees with the approval of the Executive Board, be an
ex-officio member of all committees, receive notices of committee meetings, as
well as review of all communications before disbursement by the committees, and
represent the Music Boosters to all school organizations as well as represent
Bishop O’Connell High School as requested by the school President, Principal,
or Music Director. The President may further delegate these
responsibilities as necessary.
Vice President: The Vice
President shall act as President in the absence or incapacity of the
President and shall assume the duties of the office until the next annual
election if the office of the President becomes vacant. The Vice
President shall preside over fundraising activities. The Vice
President shall perform other duties as the President or the Executive Board
shall designate.
Secretary: The Secretary shall
record, post, and report the minutes of all Music Boosters meetings and place
one copy in the minutes book. The Secretary shall prepare and
distribute notices and communications of the Executive Board, post the agenda
for all meetings, prepare and disseminate official correspondence of the Music
Boosters and the Executive Board, maintain a file of all such correspondence,
and perform such other duties as the President or the Executive Board shall
Treasurer: The Treasurer,
shall prepare and present a written financial report and an audit report
to the general membership at the September meeting, update the Executive Board
and the general membership on the Music Boosters financial status at Executive
Board and general membership meetings, keep a full and accurate account of all
receipts and disbursements of the Music Boosters, receive all dues and monies,
maintain individual student fundraising accounts, make disbursements that come
due in the ordinary course of Music Boosters business subject to the guidance
and direction of the Executive Board, and perform other duties as the President
or the Executive Board shall designate.
Committee Chairs:
Communications Chair – Publicizes
activities of the Music Dept. and Music Boosters to music parents and the
broader school community. Maintains and sends out communications to
music booster e-mail list. Posts publicity releases/photos on music booster
website and Facebook site. Submits proposed articles/photos for the
music area of the school website as appropriate.
Volunteers Chair - Maintains the volunteer listing from parent contacts
and assists in soliciting and contacting volunteers for events.
Program Chair - ensures that at
least 4 to 6 music boosters attend all programs in support of our music
students. Program chair works as a host at events. Program assists in
booking programs for the students.
Hospitality Chair - Coordinates booster hospitality
events and parent helpers. Fall Pot Luck dinner, concession sales at
performances, etc.
Spring Trip Chair - Plans, coordinates, and executes spring trip. Works
with travel agent. Solicits input from music staff for trip. This is a very
important event for the music program and one of the reasons many students
remain in the music program considering all other demands for their time.
Fundraising Chair - Coordinates fundraising events to support the music
booster budget and provide students with the opportunity to raise money for the
spring trip. Works with the Vice President on fundraising events.