FWISD Convocation Info

Information Sheet for Special Quartet for FWISD Convocation

The Fort Worth ISD is holding two huge convocations at the Wilkerson-Greines and is assembling a massive chorus of singers from all around the district to perform.  We are talking about 300+ singers made up of the best quartets each middle and high school can assemble, plus tons of elementary school kids signing in American Sign Language.  This is a big deal!

Here are the details:
Monday August 17th   7:00 pm-8:30 pm @ South Hills High School – Rehearsal

Thursday August 20th 5:30 pm-6:30 pm @ Orchestra Hall – Rehearsal

Friday August 21st      7:00 am-7:30 am Coffee/Donuts as we gather @ South Hills HS
                                    7:30 am-7:45 am Brief Rehearsal with Elementary school kids
                                    7:45 am-8:00 am FWISD Bus transports us to Wilkerson-Greines
                                    8:30 am-10:00 am Convocation # 1
                                    10:30 am – 11:00 am Return to South Hills HS
                                    11:00 am -12:30pm Eat lunch at South Hills (Pizza Provided?)
                                    12:30 pm-12:45 pm Regroup/Bathroom break
                                    12:45 pm-1:00 pm FWISD Bus transports us to Wilkerson-Greines
                                    1:30 pm-3:00 pm Convocation #2
                                    3:30 pm-3:45 pm Return to South Hills High School for dismissal

You will need to arrange for your own transportation to all three rehearsals.

Monday and Friday Rehearsal Location
South Hills High School
6101 McCart Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Thursday’s Rehearsal Location
Orchestra Hall
4401 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76109

Singers wear all black t-shirt and jeans for Friday’s performances.