Monday, August 19, 2013

Classroom Rules and Expectations

Classroom Rules and Expectations

Classroom rules
Be in your seat with your music, folder, and pencil when the bell rings.
Respect the rights of others in this room…including the teacher!

(Classroom Rules)
If a student fails to follow one or more classroom rules, the director is assuming they have temporarily forgotten what the rules are. The director is more than willing to remind the students of what they have forgotten. After several reminders, however, it becomes apparent to the director that a student’s ‘I forgot…’ is really an ‘I don’t care’. Repeated reminders will be viewed as an ‘I don’t care’ and will result a visit to the vice principal, temporary removal from the room, parent conferences, disciplinary referrals, and permanent removal from the choral department at the discretion of the director.

student Expectations
Pass all of your classes every 6 weeks
Received NO disciplinary referrals from other teachers
Be at EVERY rehearsal…during and after-school Have excellent attendance.
Be at every performance.

(Student Expectations)
As a member of the AHHS Choral Department, you represent not only your family but also your classmates, teachers, and entire school. Maintaining membership in this organization is an earned privilege and not an automatic right.

Every member of the Varsity Choir is expected to pass every class, each six weeks.